The Emperor’s Coins

By their very nature, most coin routines which do NOT use gimmicked coins tend to be a bit difficult to perform. Sleights become almost inevitable which means that many people who find difficulty in that area may be put off doing any sort of routine which involves ordinary coins.

THE EMPEROR’S COINS is a bit different! It’s rather unusual presentation means that technically there is far less to do than you would normally expect, the final vanish of the coins being probably the only element of the routine which takes any significant practice.

Designed as a set piece for a close up show, this routine provides a really different ‘dressing’ for the production and then vanish of four coins. In fact, as the performer, you do not appear to be ever aware that the coins ARE appearing, as you claim they are there all the time! This understated and slightly off-beat way of going about the trick makes for an entertaining and magically surprising routine which your audiences will undoubtedly enjoy, as I hope you will.

This great routine is available either as a TricKlip Video Download if you learn best from video, or if you prefer written directions, then please select the Master E-Routine Download order button which will deliver the instructions via a pdf text file.

Please note: You will need to have a Boston Coin Box to perform this routine.

The Emperor’s Coins


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