Magic Things To Sort In A Virus Lockdown

None of us would have chosen to be forced to stay at home for weeks on end with our nearest and dearest perhaps, but there is a silver lining to home imprisonment, and that is it gives you a chance to finally get round to the important job of sorting your magic stuff out once and for all. Here are my suggestions for what you should do.

Firstly, go and stand in front of your magic bookcase and marvel at just how many books you have gathering dust there. Appreciate fully the depth of knowledge available to you in these tomes, note the huge array of magic’s finest thinkers who have given their all for your magical education, and then rearrange them all into alphabetical order by author. Obviously don’t take any of them out and read them – there are limits, after all. Continue reading “Magic Things To Sort In A Virus Lockdown”

Planning Your Magic Year Ahead

I often feel that January is a slightly strange time of year. After all the frenzied build up to Christmas and the New Year in which most of us are caught up in a flurry of activity, both magical and family orientated, suddenly in January all we are faced with in the short term are wet, cold, dark winter days!

But January can also be a time of reflection on the year just gone and perhaps of planning for the new year ahead. Do you ever stop and look back and try to make any sort of critical assessment of the previous year? And do you then look ahead into the coming 12 months and plan how to continue any successes and put right any deficiencies?

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So Many Ways To Get Magical Stimulus

Where do you get your magical stimulus from these days? Is it from tricks you’ve purchased, books (printed ones or E-Books) that you’ve read, stuff you’ve found on YouTube or come across on TV, or is it from going to your local magic club or attending magic conventions?

I suspect that whatever the answer is, if you have been involved in magic for a fairly long time (at least 10 years or more), then the way you seek out things to pique your magical interest may well have changed.

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